Our Past Honorees

2024 College Distinguished Alumni Awards

Nicole Burdick (’13)
Outstanding Young Alumni Award

Ruta Nanivadekar (’14) 
Outstanding Young Alumni Award

David Cuillier (’90)
Alumni Achievement Award

Danny Marshall (’80)
Alumni Humanitarian Award

Anthony (Tony) George (’86) 
Alumni Distinguished Service Award

2022 College Distinguished Alumni Awards

Dr. Steven Garfinkle
Campus Volunteer Recognition Award

Justin Michael Iwasaki, MD, MPH (’04)
Community Volunteer Award

Kate Eleanor Gould (’07)
Young Alumna Award

Zachary Pullin (’08)
Young Alumnus Award

Jonathan Min-Wook Main (’94)
Distinguished Alumnus
College of Business and Economics

Albert “Bill” Way (’79)
Distinguished Alumnus
College of the Environment 

Gabrielle Kazuko Nomura Gainor (’10)
Distinguished Alumna
College of Fine and Performing Arts

Ijeoma Oluo (’07)
Distinguished Alumna
College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr. Llewellyn Rhys Lawson (’01)
Distinguished Alumnus
College of Science and Engineering

Angelique Davis (’95)
Distinguished Alumna
Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies

Dr. Kristi Dominguez (’94)
Distinguished Alumna
Woodring College of Education

Paul Rady (’80)
Lifetime Achievement Award 

David Woodruff & Family
Legacy Family Award

Rashawn Nadine Scott
Distinguished Alumna 2020
College of Fine and Performing Arts

2021 Alumni Association Signature Awards

Tyler J. Malek (‘10)
Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Deborah Dull (‘07)
Young Alumna of the Year Award

Donald L. Hardwick (‘84)
Larry "Go Vikings!" Taylor Alumni Service Award

Julie B. Larson-Green (‘86)
Lifetime Achievement Award

2020 College Distinguished Alumni Awards

Touk Sinantha ('98)
College of Business & Economics

Rashawn Nadine Scott ('11)
College of Fine & Performing Arts

Jin U. Kang ('92)
College of Science & Engineering

Roxanne Lieb ('73)
Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies

Molly Adolfson ('75)
Huxley College of the Environment

Greg Baker ('93)
Woodring College of Education

2020 Alumni Association Signature Awards

Kent Lewis ('94)
Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Bob Watt ('71, '72)
Larry "Go Vikings!" Taylor Alumni Service Award

The Cummings-Steele Family
Legacy Family Award

Ken Johnsen ('75)
Lifetime Achievement Award

Schuyler Telleen ('04)
Young Alumnus of the Year Award

2020 Athletics Hall of Fame Inductees

Audrey Coon Schwind ('94) - Women's Rowing
Jodie Kaczor Berry ('71, '72) - Women's Basketball
Michael Koenen - Football
Coach Art Phinney - Softball Coach (Awarded Posthumously)

2019 College Distinguished Alumni Awards

Christy Johnson (’02)
College of Business and Economics

Andrew Vallee (’96)
College of Fine and Performing Arts

Michael Christopher Brown (’00)
College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Ronald L. Heimark (’70)
College of Science and Engineering

Jeffrey Roy Hammarlund (’72)
Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies

Michael West Cox (’81)
Huxley College of the Environment

Karen Symms Gallagher (’67)
Woodring College of Education 

2019 Alumni Association Signature Awards

Hoyt Gier (’80)
Lifetime Achievement Award

Lisa Wolff Swanson ('95)
Larry “Go Vikings!” Taylor Alumni Service Award

Douglas W. Leek (‘98 & ’99)
Latonya G. Leek (’00)

Young Philanthropists of the Year Award

Edwin Love
Campus Volunteer Award

Rod Roth and R&D Plastics
Community Volunteer Award

Benjamin Gibbard (’98)
Nicholas Scott Harmer (’98)

Young Alumni of the Year Award

Stephan Aarstol (’96)
Entrepreneur of the Year Award

2019 Athletics Hall of Fame Inductees

Benjamin Dragavon (’07) - Soccer
Lindsay Evelyn Mann-King (’07) - Rowing
Sean Packer (’08) - Golf
Courtney Schneider (’08) - Volleyball

2018 College Distinguished Alumni Awards

Anne Blanchard (’97, ’99)
Woodring College of Education

Raymond Merle “Bud” Burke (’68, ’72)
College of Science & Engineering

Jeffrey Fisher (’89)
College of Fine & Performing Arts

Gabriel S. Galanda (’97)
College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Christie True (’81)
Huxley College of the Environment

Russ Wilson (’79)
College of Business & Economics

Coll Thrush (’93)
Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies

2018 Alumni Association Signature Awards

Ed Roddy (’84)
Larry “Go Vikings!” Taylor Alumni Service Award

Peter J. Hallson (’58)
Lifetime Achievement Award

John Bergen (’92)
Josiah Johnson (’99)
PJ Ohashi (’97)

Entrepreneurs of the Year Award

Andrew James Dumont (’11)
Young Alumnus of the Year

Catharine R. Stimpson (Campus School ’48)
Campus School Recognition award
Kate Stevenson (’00)

Campus Volunteer Recognition Award 

Mayor Kelli Linville (’74, ’82)
and the City of Bellingham

Community Volunteer Recognition Award 

2018 Athletics Hall of Fame Inductees

Anne Cooper (’86) - Basketball
Alison Richards (’99, ’01) - Softball 
Joni Slagle (’78) - Basketball 
Jason Stiles (’96) - Football
Katja Parrish (’06) - Golf

2017 College Distinguished Alumni Awards

Denise Attwood (’83) & Ric Conner (’85)
Huxley College of the Environment

Dr. Betty Jean Cobbs (’73, ’76, ’77)
Woodring College of Education

Debora Juarez (’83)
Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies

Todd J. Lindley (’83)
College of Business and Economics

Vini Elizabeth Samuel (’94)
College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Marc A. Seales (’78)
College of Fine and Performing Arts

Jeffrey Wiggins (’88)
College of Science and Engineering

2017 Alumni Association Signature Awards

Jesse Dean Moore (’05)
Young Alumnus of the Year Award

Scot Studebaker (’90)
Larry “Go Vikings!” Taylor Alumni Service Award

James L. Hildebrand (Campus School ’56)
Campus School Recognition Award

Linda P. Beckman (’91)
Campus Volunteer Recognition Award

Gerald E. Henson (’73)
Community Volunteer Recognition Award

Hoffman-McLeod Family 
Legacy Family of the Year Award

2016 College Distinguished Alumni Awards

Deborah M. Atwood (’77)
Huxley College of the Environment

Ron Bundy (’89)
Tracy (’88) Bundy

College of Business & Economics

David A. Frank (’78 & ’79) 
College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Dr. Tom Keegan (’84)
Woodring College of Education

Ruben Van Kempen (’92)
College of Fine & Performing Arts

David R. Kennerud (’92)
College of Science & Engineering

Ruth E. Mathews (’87) 
Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies

2016 Alumni Association Signature Awards

Harrison G. Mills (’12)
Clayton J. Knight (’12)
Young Alumni of the Year Award

Kay French Hovde (’84) 
Larry “Go Vikings!” Taylor Alumni Service Award

John Abrams (’50)
Lifetime Achievement Award

Brian L. Griffin (Campus School ’46)
Campus School Recognition Award

Evelyn E. Ames
Campus Volunteer Recognition Award

Casey R. Diggs
Community Volunteer Recognition Award

Linville, Kuljis, and Parberry Families
Legacy Family of the Year Award

2015 College Distinguished Alumni Awards

Kurt Creager (’79) 
Huxley College of the Environment

Mitchell L. Eggers (’85)
College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Dr. Sheila L. Fox (’67)
Woodring College of Education

James Reavis (’87)
College of Science & Engineering 

Karen L. Richards (’82 & ’89)
College of Business & Economics

Mark Shetabi (’93)
College of Fine & Performing Arts

Diane Sigel (’77)
Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies

2015 Alumni Association Signature Awards

Tony Pechthalt (’87 & ’91)
Diana Pechthalt (’87 & ‘91)

Larry “Go Vikings!” Taylor Alumni Service Award

Duane Anderson (’52)
Lifetime Achievement Award

Seth “Hoby” Darling (’97)
Young Alumnus of the Year

David A. Hamiter (’92)
Robert E. Olson

Campus Volunteer Recognition Award 

Warren W. Michelsen
Community Volunteer Recognition Award

The Veith Family
Legacy Family of the Year

2014 College Distinguished Alumni Awards

Fritz Johnston (’73)
College of Fine & Performing Arts

Kirby M. Larson (’76)
College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Robert S. Matson (’69 & ’71)
College of Sciences & Technology

Roberta N. Riley (’82)
Huxley College of the Environment

Thomas R. Thornton (’78)
Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies

Jason T. Warnick (’94)
College of Business & Economics

Bill Wright (’60)
Woodring College of Education

2014 Alumni Association Signature Awards

Jo Metzger-Levin (’81 & ’86)
Larry “Go Vikings!” Taylor Alumni Service Award

Mina Butros Ghattas (’59 & ’60)
Lifetime Achievement Award

Brett Mitchell (’01)
Young Alumnus of the Year Award

Rob Brand (’60 & ’67)
Campus School Recognition Award

Tamara L. Belts (’76)
Campus Volunteer Recognition Award

R. Emil Hecht
Bellingham Ear, Nose and Throat and Hecht Aesthetic Center
Community Volunteer Recognition Award

2013 College Distinguished Alumni Awards

Murray L. Dow, II (’70)
College of Business & Economics

Royal A. Hanson (’75)
Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies

Maitland F. Peters (’74 & ’76)
College of Fine & Performing Arts

J. David Leander (’67)
College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Mark M. Reis (’75)
Huxley College of the Environment

Robert H. Brim (’70)
College of Sciences & Technology

Laurel W. Browning (’86, ’93 & ’06)
Woodring College of Education

2013 Alumni Association Signature Awards

Joyce Taylor Wallace (’84) 
Larry “Go Vikings!” Taylor Alumni Service Award

David W. Cole (’84 & ’86)
Lifetime Achievement Award

Jane K. Carten (’01 & ’06) 
Young Alumna of the Year Award

Pamela L. Spratlen (’61-’66) 
Campus School Recognition Award

Harold Hansberry (’59 & ’77) 
Campus Volunteer Recognition Award

Wes Herman
The Woods Coffee, Owner and Founder
Community Volunteer Recognition Award

The Martina Family
Legacy Family of the Year

2012 College Distinguished Alumni Awards

Chase Franklin (’86)
College of Business & Economics

Frank James (’73)
Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies

Annette Devick (’82)
College of Fine & Performing Arts

Laurel Nesholm (’64)
College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Kevin Raymond (’80)
Huxley College of the Environment

Peter Hallson (’58)
College of Sciences & Technology

Joseph Zavaglia (’73)
Woodring College of Education

2012 Alumni Association Signature Awards

David Mann (’82)
Larry “Go Vikings!” Taylor Alumni Service Award

Dennis Murphy (’69 & ’71)
Lifetime Achievement Award

Scott Davison (’74)
Young Alumnus of the Year Award

Craker and Larson Families
Legacy Family of the Year Award

2011 College Distinguished Alumni Awards

Dennis Organ (’73)
College of Business & Economics

Carol Davis (’75)
Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies

John Olbrantz (’72)
College of Fine & Performing Arts

Karen Freeman (’78)
College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Eric Dinerstein (’75)
Huxley College of the Environment

William “Bill” Kindler (’65)
College of Sciences & Technology

Patricia Wasley (’73 & ’82)
Woodring College of Education

2011 Alumni Association Signature Awards

Kim Cruz (’81)
Victor Cruz (’81)

Larry “Go Vikings!” Taylor Alumni Service Award

Rick Anderson (’73)
Lifetime Achievement Award

Kelsey Heikoop (’97)
Paul Van Metre (’96)

Young Alumni of the Year Award

Jones, Dickerson, Macmillan, and May Families
Legacy Family of the Year Award

2010 College Distinguished Alumni Awards

Paul Merriman (’66)
College of Business & Economics

Theodore Bestor (’73)
Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies

Erin Wall (’98)
College of Fine & Performing Arts

Simon Blackwell (’84)
College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Gail Bingham (’75)
Huxley College of the Environment

Peter Greenberg (’70)
College of Sciences & Technology

Robert Watt (’72)
Woodring College of Education

2010 Alumni Association Signature Awards

Jerry Thon (’75)
Larry “Go Vikings!” Taylor Alumni Service Award

Don Olcott, Jr. (’81 & ’86)
Lifetime Achievement Award

Scott Harrington (’98)
Young Alumnus of the Year Award

Kruhoffer, Hayden, Mehl, Scott, and Hartstra Families
Legacy Family of the Year Award

Sid Hammond (’67)
Community Service Recognition Award

2009 College Distinguished Alumni Awards

John Wolfe (’74)
College of Business & Economics

Ellen Weinberg Dreyfus (’74)
Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies

Steven Arnold (’79 & ’81)
College of Fine & Performing Arts

Kevin Jackson (’92)
College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Mike Town (’84 & ’85)
Huxley College of the Environment

Kathleen Grega Digges (’71)
College of Sciences & Technology

Ronald H. LaFayette (’69 & ’71)
Woodring College of Education

2009 Alumni Association Signature Awards

Moose (’50) and Vi Zurline (’50)
Larry “Go Vikings!” Taylor Alumni Service Award

Jonathan Main (’94)
Young Alumnus of the Year Award

The Bowman and Frazier Families
Legacy Family of the Year Award

Bill Kalenius (’74)
Alumni Community Service Award

2007-08 College Distinguished Alumni Awards

Shaun Wolfe (’89)
College of Business & Economics

William Dietrich (’73)
Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies

Elsi Vassdal Ellis (’74 & ’77)
College of Fine & Performing Arts

Margit M. Loser (’60)
College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Heather Flaherty Merchant (’77)
Huxley College of the Environment

Laurie Vitt (’67 & ’71)
College of Sciences & Technology

Steven Clarke (’85 & ’91)
Woodring College of Education

2007-08 Alumni Association Signature Awards

Larry Taylor (’72)
Larry “Go Vikings!” Taylor Alumni Service Award

John Fotheringham (’55)
Lifetime Achievement Award

Kendrick Efta (’95)
Richard Law (’93 & ’95)
R. Ethan Yarbrough (’92 & ’95)
Young Alumni of the Year Award

The Hickenbottom Family
Legacy Family of the Year Award

2006 Distinguished Alumni

Horst-Otto Gerberding (’79)

Raynald Albert Samoa (’94)

Gerald Webster (’80)

Wendy Wollam Scherrer (’76 & ’88)
Lifetime Achievement Award

2005 Distinguished Alumni

Rick Anderson (’73)

Heidi Grant Murphy (’87)

Jack Bowman (’54)
Lifetime Achievement Award

Donna Thompson (’61)
Lifetime Achievement Award

2004 Distinguished Alumni Awards
in Honor of Bellingham's Centennial

Debbie Adelstein (’70)
Steve Adelstein (’70)
Bob Ames (’67)
Pam Ames (’72)
Mark Asmundson (’76)
Bruce Ayers (’79)
Louise Bjornson (’91)
Laurie Casey-Schreiber (’84)
David Christensen (’76)
Craig Cole (’77)
Sharon Coss (’86)
Jim Cozad (’76)
Fran Dodson (’98)
Sherri Emerson (’99)
Bill Gorman (’80)
Taimi Gorman (’77)
Pebble Griffin (’71)
Elsie Heinrick (’76)
Juanita Jefferson (’84)
Stephen Jones (’74)
Maureen Kane (’91)
Joy Keenan (’80)
Tony Larson (’84)
Justin McKay (’02)
Phyllis McKee (’67)
Darcie Nielsen (’82)
Wilanne Ollila Perry (’89)
Janis Olson (’72)
Kathy Pierre (’01)
Vic Randall (’71)
Mary Shea (’94)
Tim Shea (’87)
Marty Snyder (’92)
Cheryl Thornton (’95)
Bill Unrein (’76)
Shirley Van Zanten (’71)
Richard Vanderway (’71)
Tim Wahl (’77)
Dee West (’71)
John Whitbeck (’85)
Joe Wooding (’03)
Nicolas Zaferatos (’79)
Moose Zurline (’50)

2003 Distinguished Alumni Awards

Carlos Buhler (’78)
Jimmy Diehl (’68)
Suzanne Diehl (’68)
Richard McIver (’76)

2002 Distinguished Alumnus Award

Craig Cole (’77)

2001 Distinguished Alumnus Award

Al Lunde (’53)

2000 Alumni of the Century

Dan Beard (’66)
Angus Bowmer (’23)
Jack Bowman (’54)
Cheryl Chow (’70)
Terrence Deacon (’76)
William Dietrich (’73)
Carroll Haeske (’23)
Helen Hostetter (’38)
Jessica Lee (’92)
Donald Leu (’47)
Robert Maki (’62)
Douglas Massey (’74)
Ralph Munro (’66)
Thomas Nelson (’37)
Jessie Payzant (’25)
Michael Phelps (’64)
Ellen Repp (’22)
Joyce Taylor (’83)
Kathleen Taft (’25)
John Terrey (’49)
Bill Wright (’60)

Distinguished Alumni

1999 - Shirley Van Zanten (’71)
1998 - Daniel P. Beard (’66)
1997 - Kenneth L. Moffett (’57)
1996 - Michael Seal (’65)
1995 - James M. Ford (’51)
1994 - Donald J. Leu (’47)
1993 - Jerry R. May (’66)
1992 - Bernice F. Graves-DeVore (’43)
1991 - Kathleen M. Taft (’25)
1990 - Ellen Repp (’22)

Distinguished Alumni

1989 - Ralph Munro (’66)
1988 - Lynda M. Goodrich (’66)
1987 - William Kendrick (’57)
1986 - John N. Terrey (’49)
1985 - Thomas W. Nelson (’32)
1984 - William R. Zagelow (’63)
1983 - Larry Nielson (’70)
1980 - Michael Phelps (’64)