WWU Anthropology Scholars Week Conference

Anthropology Award for Outstanding Student Research

A WWU female student in the Anthropology Department stands next to a projection screen that displays a power point slide.

Event Details




Online: Zoom

In-Person at WWU:
Arntzen Hall 319



Brought to you by:

Anthropology Department, The Foundation for WWU & Alumni


The Annual WWU Anthropology Scholars Week Conference provides undergraduate students in the department with the opportunity to present their research and hard work to their peers, faculty, and alumni. Students gather to share their anthropological interests and engage in meaningful dialogue. 

Check out this video to watch the WWU Anthropology Scholars Week Conference Anthropology Award for Outstanding Student Research - Scholars Week - Day 1.

Thursday, May 16
Anthropology Award for Outstanding Student Research

The Annual Anthropology Award for Outstanding Student Research recognizes excellent undergraduate research. Faculty nominated papers, posters, and presentations, or other scholarly endeavors completed the previous Spring Quarter through Winter Quarter of the current year have been reviewed. Please joins us for the Outstanding Research Presentations and Awards where award recipients will share a 20 minute presentation of on their outstanding work.  


  • Marcelina Mendoza-Feliciano
    Lesson Plan for Skin Color and Color in Mixteco
  • Kendal Welch
    Social Media Warriors: The Use of Social Media as a Weapon in War
  • Jada Love
    The Fibers of Knowing: Coast Salish Weaving and Ontology

Check out this video to watch the Anthropology Scholars Week - From Lab to Field - Day 2.

Friday, May 17
Keynote Address by Emma Dubois
"From Lab to Field"

If you are able to join us in person, there will be a reception with light appetizers following the presentations each day.

Questions and Accommodations

Contact The Foundation for WWU & Alumni for this event if you have questions or need disability accommodations by calling (360) 650-3353 or emailing Alumni@wwu.edu

Advance notice for disability accommodations and special needs is greatly appreciated. Please indicate your special needs on the registration form. There will be auto-captions available for the Zoom events.

Limited paid parking is available in the C lots at the south end of campus and in lots 6V and 7G at the north end of campus. Western provides comprehensive parking details—including lot locations, applicable fees, and campus map. Please note that parking in the C lot and 12A by Fairhaven College is free after 4:30pm on weekdays and all hours on weekends.

The views expressed by our speakers do not necessarily reflect those of Western Washington University.