Event Details
Online: Zoom
In-Person at WWU:
Academic Instructional Center West, Room 210
Brought to you by:
Woodring College of Education, Bellingham Public Schools, Whatcom CARE, Happy Valley PTA, The Foundation for WWU & Alumni
“Until we learn to talk about race, the poison of racism won’t go away.” The author of Stamped (For Kids): Racism, Antiracism, and You and Antiracist Reading Revolution: A Framework for Teaching Beyond Representation Toward Liberation will offer specific strategies for teaching in ways that help students challenge racist ideas with antiracist ideas.
Students’ ability to access books that serve as mirrors and windows has been a critical conversation in education. While representation is important, this alone isn’t enough. Participants will gain greater clarity around the scholarship that informs reading instruction moving beyond a representation approach toward a liberatory stance where the purpose of education becomes not only about standards but about freedom.
Participants will learn about essential characteristics of antiracist teaching. Then, they’ll apply six critical lenses toward reading instruction (affirmation, awareness, authorship, atmosphere, activism, accountability). Participants will be able to identify strategies, resources and texts such as Stamped (For Kids) that support teaching about race, racism and antiracism. This toolkit for teaching can support educators as they cultivate identity-affirming classroom spaces where students recognize and dismantle dominant ideologies in order to imagine and work toward an antiracist future.
Please note, for Bellingham Public Schools staff, if you already registered, you do not need to register again.

Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul, Speaker
Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul is the founder of the Red Clay Educators, co-director of Institute for Racial Equity in Literacy, co-director of the Teach Black History All Year Institute, and executive producer and host of The Black Creators Series. She is an educator with more than 20-years of classroom experience who has written several books that support reading and writing instruction including Antiracist Reading Revolution: A Framework for Teaching Beyond Representation Toward Liberation. Sonja has adapted the #1NYT Best Seller, Stamped (For Kids): Racism, Antiracism and You. Sonja leads professional development for schools and organizations in equity and antiracism. For a full bio and additional information visit sonjacherrypaul.com.
Questions and Accommodations
Contact The Foundation for WWU & Alumni by calling (360) 650-3353 or emailing Alumni@wwu.edu.
Advance notice for disability accommodations and special needs is greatly appreciated. Please indicate your special needs on the registration form. There will be auto-captions available for the Zoom webinar.
Limited paid parking is available in the C lots and 12G at the south end of campus and in lots 6V and 7G at the north end of campus. Western provides comprehensive parking details—including lot locations, applicable fees, and campus map. Please note that parking in the C lot and 12G by Fairhaven College is free after 4:30pm on weekdays.