Why Canada Matters Presents: The North Pacific Borderlands

Intersecting Histories of Race and Difference in Canada and the United States

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Event Details




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Center for Canadian-American Studies, Department of History, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, WWU Alumni Association


Check out this video to watch the Why Canada Matters Presents: The North Pacific Borderlands.

Dr. Andrea Geiger, professor emerita at Simon Fraser University, will discuss her most recent book, Converging Empires: Citizens and Subjects in the North Pacific Borderlands, which examines the role of the North Pacific borderlands along the northernmost stretches of the U.S.-Canada border that divide Alaska from the Yukon and British Columbia, as well as those that follow the contours of the B.C. and Alaska coast, in the construction of race and citizenship in both the United States and Canada.

Arguing for the importance of giving Canada an equal place in our studies of both transpacific and borderlands history, Dr. Geiger will speak to the intersecting nature of the race-based legal constraints imposed by Canada and the United States on Japanese immigrants and Indigenous people in this borderlands region.


Andrea Geiger has white skin, a warm smile, short grey and blond hair with bangs, and wears an outdoor jacket and turtleneck. A river can be seen behind her.

Andrea Geiger, Speaker

Andrea Geiger is professor emerita of history at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia and the author of numerous award-winning books, including Subverting Exclusion: Transpacific Encounters with Race, Caste, and Borders, 1885-1928, awarded both the Theodore Saloutos Book Award (Immigration and Ethnic History Society) and the Association of Asian American Studies History Book Award.

Questions and Accommodations

Contact the WWU Alumni Association for this event. Feel free to call at (360) 650-3353 or email at alumni@wwu.edu if you have any questions or comments.

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